With the term coming to an end, so does the tremendous increase of school work that the professors give their students. Well, I'm one of the unfortunate but lucky to experience that. This means that I have to work less with my Math self study and focus more on this project first. Basically, I have to work on this term project that we have in Java and it involvs creating a BlackJack game using the standard DOS Console. The purpose of the project was to see if the students can properly apply object oriented concepts into a working application but I definitely want something more than just demonstrating that. As an aspiring game developer (harharharhar!!), I want to be able to see through the challenges of implementing a BlackJack using a console interface and be able to reproduce that same experience when playing BlackJack in a GUI. This is pretty challenging since not only do I need to have a working game but also, I need to apply some good aesthetics to interface the game engine - but I'm not concern with that just right now coz I need to create the game engine before anything else. Right now, I am finished building the logical model of the game. I'll then translate those models into working classes maybe next week - after I full-proof my designs that is.
I know that this is an opportunity for me to practice developing games although its nothing as grand as Counter Strike or some popular games that you know. But hey, everybody's gotta start from something you know?! I'm gonna give my best shot at this one coz I know that this is a step closer to a distant dream that I have.
One the other note, a classmate of mine sent me a C++ file demonstrating 3D transformation. Honestly, I wanted to LEARN those badly but I kept the excitement to myself since I know that at the current level that I am right now, I wouldn't probably appreciate the value of it and even if I understand how it works, it would still sound Russian to me. I really should speed up with the math book!!
I'm planning to enroll a Game Programming subject and probably Calculus after this term (oh yeah!!!) and drop my XML course since I got bored at it.. and to tell you frankly, I'm really really really REALLY very excited!! Things are finally starting to go my way :D This is what I've dreamed of ever since I was a child and now, I'm finally getting a shot at it! Even though I still know very little about higher level maths, I'm gonna give it all that I got to learn those even if I end up wearing very thick glasses!! I really don't give a damn! Its all about determination baby!!
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